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The Joints in the Arm

The Joints in the Arm (Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist): Freedom, Mobility, Neutrality

Helsinki: 12-13 Septembre 2015

The human being’s skeleton, as well as the brain, is conceived and organized for movement, whether this involves the handling of a dynamic equilibrium, displacements and spatial orientation, the use of the arms and hands to take, receive, and act, the mobility of the neck to allow the sense organs to move, or the fluidity of opening the mouth.
If the bones determine the solidity of the skeleton, the joints, through their configuration and degree of mobility, define the « potential for movement » in three dimensions. They also permit a better distribution of effort and the gearing down of force (like pulleys in a mechanical system).

Habits and traumatisms, along with the tendency to isolate the different parts of the skeleton in their functioning, have reduced the mobility of these joints and thus limited our movements, often increasing the effort needed to act while reducing comfort, fluidity, and efficiency.

Free, Fluid and efficient Shoulders: Through its structure, this joint, which connects the arm and the rib cage, permits the arm to move in all spatial directions. Its freedom determines the ease and fluidity of arm and hand movements, as well as those of the fingers, whether for holding or displacing objects, the efficiency of the gesture in certain sports, the quality of drawing, the fluidity of playing a musical instrument, and so on. The relaxation of this joint also facilitates easier, more comfortable breathing.

Supple and functional Elbows: The elbow is a connecting joint. Its mobility and slacking can not be developed by will. It is the result of a dynamic and functional balance in between all the arm joints.
Therefore it is necessary to organize in a homogenous and functional way the bending of joints in the arm when using them.

Articulated Hands: The mobility of the fingers and their differentiation from one another make our hands instruments of communication and action. Whether for touching, writing, drawing, or playing an instrument, our hands are a true medium of expression for our intelligence and sensibility. We shall discover the chain of integration linking each finger to the spinal column, mobilize their joints, and explore the different qualities of a precise, sensitive touch.

More information about where this seminar takes place, its cost and inscription process, please contact : Kikka Salmi, organizer – e-mail : kikka.salmi@gmail.com