
Training Feldenkrais

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Post-graduate workshops

Post-graduate Trainings for certified Feldenkrais®practitioners

The interactive work proposed by François Combeau during these post-graduate trainings allows each participant to develop the capacities necessary for an efficient and creative practice of the Feldenkrais Method®, (ATM and IF), easily adaptable to the individual needs of their students.

Independently of specific themes, the work is based around “how does one sense, imagine, propose, invite and accomplish” rather than “what does one do”. From the many workshops given outside of France, this approach has proved extremely satisfactory for many practitioners.

If you like more informations about those advanced-trainings, please contact directly the organizer for each of them.



Advanced-training for Feldenkrais practitioners


« Keeping head and neck free and mobile for action and our relationship with  environment »


Nürnberg (Germany) : August 30 – September  3, 2025
Teaching will be in English


By finding true verticality, the human being has considerably expanded his field of observation and action. This new orientation in relation to the force of gravity has enabled the development of the entire frontal part of the brain and access to the higher functions of the central nervous system.


The head’s new equilibrium and freedom of movement has led to considerable development of sensory functions, in particular the widening of the visual, auditory and olfactory fields, the perception of relief and the clarity of contours. We will therefore continue to develop the fluidity and efficiency of head movements in all directions of space, enabling it to effectively fulfill its role as a veritable periscope for listening to the world,

The cervico-dorsal joint (C7/D1) fully plays its role as a real pivot,, providing the head with « stable instability » (i.e. holding its balance without having to be restrained by the tension of the neck muscles) and enabling it to be constantly free and connected to the surrounding world, whatever our position and commitment to action.

The balance of the cervico-cranial joint ensures coherent, functional orientation of the head and gaze. It is also very important for the mobility of the soft palate and the development of a free volume inside the mouth.

A very precise link can indeed be established between the shape and dynamic equilibrium of the cervical curve, on the one hand, and the opening/radiation of the throat, mouth and face, enabling great mobility of the organs of articulation and facial mimicry, on the other.

Last but not least, cervical mobility is also necessary to ensure optimum blood supply to the brain (an essential condition for its proper functioning) and efficient transmission of nerve impulses to the whole body.


Informations and applications please contact directly Christine Eibert





Advanced-training for Feldenkrais practitioners


« The pivotal joints of the Spinal Column”; junctions of differentiation between curves along the spine »


Zurich (Switzerland) : January 30 – February 2, 2026
Teaching will be in English


Structural mainstay of our physical architecture, zone of circulation and transmission between the head and the pelvis, between the brain and peripheral structures of the body, major support for the insertion of the large muscle groups which maintain our balance, the spinal column is our life pillar.

Structured like a well-oiled chain, the spinal column is made up of curves (more or less harmonious depending on our age and how we’ve lived our life) which assure stability and mobility, both mechanically and functionally.

These curves are opposing in shape and are articulated by particularly sensitive joints which often find themselves under stress and not ideally aligned.  However, the quality and fluidity of the transmission of forces as well as that of nerves and blood vessels depend on harmonious alignment of these particular joints.

* The lumbo-sacral joint (L5/S1) is the point from which the spinal column emerges from the pelvis.  It is also the home of an important and very strong reflex enabling the spine to lengthen and maintain itself upright.

* The thoraco-lumbar junction (D10/D12) is an important crossroads for the large muscle groups of the trunk which enable us to find stability and harmony in our movements.

* The cervico-thoracic junction (C7/D1) is a veritable pivot point enabling fluid and smooth movements of the head.  It’s also the anchor point and suspension point for the shoulder blade.

* The cervico-cranial junction (C1/C2) assures the dynamic equilibrium of the head on top of the spinal column, and thus the health of our visual apparatus and a dynamic life…..

Due to their specific configurations and positions along the spinal column, these junctions are often zones of concentrated difficulty and tension, … to the point of becoming totally “locked up”.

Their limited mobility in turn limits the circulation and transmission of the forces through the body and also perturbs certain organic stratum to which they are linked.


Informations and applications directly by Brigitte Heusser



Advanced-training for Feldenkrais practitioners


« Hands articulated and relaxed to touch, communicate, explore, act, trace, model and play « 


Détroit (USA) : June 11 – 15, 2025
Teaching will be in English


Hands that are available and present for touching, communicating, relating, acting… hands that are free and differentiated for exploring space and matter, skilled for creating shapes and setting them in motion…

Our hands are part of those extremities through and with which we relate to the surrounding world and to others, whether to receive information or to express ourselves.

The mobility of the fingers and their differentiation from one another make our hands extremely sensitive and agile instruments for receiving and acting.

Whether we’re touching, writing, drawing or playing an instrument, our hands are a veritable medium for expressing our intelligence, sensitivity and creative ability.

We’ll discover the chain of integration that links each finger to the spinal column, mobilize the joints of the wrist, elbow and shoulder, and explore the qualities of sensitive touch, a genuine dialogue between skin, muscle and bone with the thing being felt.

* Feel and mobilize the integration chain linking hand, arm, shoulder blade, collarbone and spine, enabling effortless movement without joint limitation (wrist/elbow/shoulder), differentiated and harmonious movement, whether for graphics, instrumental play, sporting gestures or manual activity.

* Rediscover freedom of movement in the wrists, which is essential if the hand and fingers are to move in space and adapt to the object being touched or held.

* Discover the many finger joints and their different mobilities for greater mobility and agility…

* Develop the ability to dialogue with the higher nervous system through differentiation in the hand (one of the areas most represented in the motor cortex) and the development of a genuine quality of movement and action.

Informations and applications directly by Kathleen Dunne



Advanced-training for Feldenkrais practitioners


« Rediscover the true relaxation, flexibility and mobility of the chest and thoracic spine… »


Malmö (Sweden) : April  5 – 9, 2025
Teaching will be in English


A space for breathing as much as a cradle of our emotions, the chest is also a place of resonance for the spoken and sung voice, a place of expression for a creative and rich life, a free and differentiated emotional life. Its highly articulated structure, fine and potentially very mobile, plays a decisive role in the development of breathing. It also ensures the transmission and meeting of all the impulses coming from the pelvis or the head, thus allowing a true integration of daily movements and respecting an overall and healthy physiology of the spine.

We will experience how to:

• Become aware of the articulated structure of the chest, developing greater freedom of the ribs in the three planes of space, regain the flexible mobility of the chest-bone and greater functional articulation of the thoracic spine whether in flexion, extension or torsion .

• Experience the dorsal column as an essential link within the chain of transmission from the feet to the head, an unavoidable passageway for all the forces coming from the pelvis, head and limbs.

• Integrate the movements of the arm and head through a more functional engagement of the thoracic spine and chest, thereby regaining more mobility and fluidity in daily movements.

• Discover a certain relaxation and flexibility of the muscle fibers which insert themselves on the different parts of the rib cage and thoracic spine, diaphragm, trapezius, abdominal and back muscles ; perceiving how their tension or shortening limit and constrain one’s mobility, to lengthen and let go… these tensions are most often linked to present or past stress or emotional and relational experiences.

• Find how to use breathing to awaken this presence in oneself and in the surrounding world, this feeling of living, regenerating self as well as a true quality of listening… instantly helping to find calm within oneself, to center oneself, connect and take the necessary step back from paralyzing events (stress and emotions).

Informations and applications directly by Anna Harrstedt



+ Upcoming workshops and trainings given by François Combeau in France