
Training Feldenkrais

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Post-graduate workshops

Post-graduate Trainings for certified Feldenkrais®practitioners

The interactive work proposed by François Combeau during these post-graduate trainings allows each participant to develop the capacities necessary for an efficient and creative practice of the Feldenkrais Method®, (ATM and IF), easily adaptable to the individual needs of their students.

Independently of specific themes, the work is based around “how does one sense, imagine, propose, invite and accomplish” rather than “what does one do”. From the many workshops given outside of France, this approach has proved extremely satisfactory for many practitioners.

If you like more informations about those advanced-trainings, please contact directly the organizer for each of them.



Advanced-training for Feldenkrais practitioners


« The shoulder girdle, mobility of the arms and freedom of the chest »


Nürnberg (Germany) : August 31 – September  4, 2024
Teaching will be in English


Due to its light, fine and highly articulated structure, and its articulation with the spine at the level of the cervico-dorsal hinge (C7/D1), the shoulder girdle, as if suspended, allows great mobility of the arms in all directions of movement. The emergence of the neck and head from this cervical hinge ensures its rotation like a real periscope carrying the sense organs. It also contributes to the freedom of the upper part of the chest, allowing easier, more comfortable and functional respiratory development as well as an important relaxation of the throat…

Anatomical observation clearly shows us that the shoulder girdle is made up of very light, fine and wonderfully articulated bones, and designed to allow us to express with great freedom our relationship to the world and to others, to act in a very fine and differentiated way, to use instruments and tools, to communicate, touch, feel and receive stimulation…


The numerous explorations offered will allow each participant to:

* Discover and better understand the different joints that animate the shoulder girdle, articulation between the head of the arm and the clavicle, between the clavicle and the sternum, between the neck and the dorsal thoracic spine (C7/D1), articulation between the first vertebrae dorsal…

* Develop real mobility of the scapula and its sliding on the ribs in all spatial directions, without which the arm cannot find its freedom of movement and the rib cage its functional engagement in respiratory development.

* Find relaxation in the shoulders and particularly in the different fibers of the “trapezius” muscles …

* Free the sternum and regain its suspension, allowing it to play its role as a true “figurehead” for our travels…

* Find more elasticity in all these links between the head and the rib cage, many of which pass through the throat, the suspensors of the larynx, etc.

Informations and applications please contact directly Christine Eibert



Advanced-training for Feldenkrais practitioners


« A mobile Head, an alive, expressive, relaxed Face and more functional freedom for facial and mouth organs… »


Part 2, new educational program


Zurich (Switzerland) : January 31 – February 3, 2025
Teaching will be in English


By finding true verticality, human beings have considerably developed their field of observation and action.

The new balance of the head and its great freedom of movement have allowed a considerable development of the sensory functions and numerous mobilities of the face and the organs of the mouth which allow it a rich palette of expression. 


We will continue to develop the fluidity and efficiency of head movements in all directions of space, allowing it to fully assume its role as a veritable periscope listening to the world, Through the face, the human being enters into a relationship with the surrounding world. He receives (through the senses) and gives, he expresses himself.


The facial expressions constitute a real affective commentary on the discourse, when they are not language themselves.They reveal the inner being or express the authentic reaction to an emotional situation.


We will rediscover the fluidity of the different movements of the face, ridding it of the grins and masks of habits linked to our history, of the deformations of a sometimes laborious articulation… so that it can express the subtle play of our emotions, to become the mirror of our deep dynamisms and the instrument of an authentic dialogue.All the tensions or limitations experienced in the face are projected onto the cervical spine, stiffening the neck and the carriage of the head.


Informations and applications directly by Brigitte HEUSSER



Advanced-training for Feldenkrais practitioners


« Seat, mobility, strengh and life of the Pelvis … »


Détroit (USA) : June 12 – 16, 2024
Teaching will be in English


An energy center, the link with the original matrix, the pelvis is truly the seat of life.

Via the lower limbs and the feet, the pelvis is the dynamic expression of our relationship with the ground and our bearings.

The positioning of the pelvis in relation to the legs ensure a stable and functional foundation for the trunk, arms and head.  As such, it contributes to the equilibrium of the spinal column and the back.

Indeed, be it for stability in standing or in sitting, the liberty of the pelvis in relation to the legs (therefore the freedom in the hip joints) influences the dynamics of the joint between the sacrum and the lumbar spine (L5/S1) and stimulates the true reflex of the spine for upright posture.  This allows the back to be carried erect, while maintaining force and mobility with minimum muscular engagement thus also allowing the development of deeper and fuller breathing.


Due to the insertion of the strong muscles in the abdominal wall and base of the back, which line the mobile space between the base of the chest, the hip ridge and the pubis, the pelvis is the actual centre of movements and the seat of strength in man.

Its balance and freedom of movement play a crucial part in the organisation of many functions, such as breathing, digestion, sexual activity, walking etc.


We will re-acquire improved mobility of the lumbar column through more functional and differentiated use of each vertebra.

By relaxing the abdominal wall and posterior pillars of the diaphragm during singing, we shall breathe more freely and gain flexible tonicity of abdominal support. The proposed explorations will also provide an opportunity for discovering the deep vibrations in the bottom of the back and the abdomen down to the perineum.

Informations and applications directly by Kathleen Dunne



Advanced-training for Feldenkrais practitioners


« Rediscover the true relaxation, flexibility and mobility of the chest and thoracic spine… »


Malmö (Sweden) : April  5 – 9, 2025
Teaching will be in English


A space for breathing as much as a cradle of our emotions, the chest is also a place of resonance for the spoken and sung voice, a place of expression for a creative and rich life, a free and differentiated emotional life. Its highly articulated structure, fine and potentially very mobile, plays a decisive role in the development of breathing. It also ensures the transmission and meeting of all the impulses coming from the pelvis or the head, thus allowing a true integration of daily movements and respecting an overall and healthy physiology of the spine.

We will experience how to:

• Become aware of the articulated structure of the chest, developing greater freedom of the ribs in the three planes of space, regain the flexible mobility of the chest-bone and greater functional articulation of the thoracic spine whether in flexion, extension or torsion .

• Experience the dorsal column as an essential link within the chain of transmission from the feet to the head, an unavoidable passageway for all the forces coming from the pelvis, head and limbs.

• Integrate the movements of the arm and head through a more functional engagement of the thoracic spine and chest, thereby regaining more mobility and fluidity in daily movements.

• Discover a certain relaxation and flexibility of the muscle fibers which insert themselves on the different parts of the rib cage and thoracic spine, diaphragm, trapezius, abdominal and back muscles ; perceiving how their tension or shortening limit and constrain one’s mobility, to lengthen and let go… these tensions are most often linked to present or past stress or emotional and relational experiences.

• Find how to use breathing to awaken this presence in oneself and in the surrounding world, this feeling of living, regenerating self as well as a true quality of listening… instantly helping to find calm within oneself, to center oneself, connect and take the necessary step back from paralyzing events (stress and emotions).

Informations and applications directly by Anna Harrstedt



+ Upcoming workshops and trainings given by François Combeau in France