Advanced training for Feldenkrais practitioners
The art of practicing the Feldenkrais® method
Paris, 29 octobre – 2 novembre 2014
« Dynamic interactions between functional mobility of the organs within the mouth and the face, the bearings of the feet on the ground, the spinal mobility, the opening to the world around breath, sound and sensory activities … »
After the success of the first “international” Advanced Training in Paris we organized by the end of October 2012, (teaching material and environment, group dynamic, quality of exchanges between participants, level of involvement during the lessons and FI practices…),
we would like to keep going and give us a chance to move further.
This second “international” Advanced Training will take place in Paris and will again bring together participants coming from different groups François Combeau worked with over the years (from Detroit (USA), Nürnberg (Germany), Stockholm (Sweden), Zurich (Switzerland) and Paris (France)). This advanced training will be a wonderful and fruitful opportunity to share, to enrich each one’s experience and their professional practice through different cultural sensibilities, educational backgrounds and ways of practicing.
By standing upright man expresses his specificity. From crawling beasts to man on his feet, the species has considerably developed its field of observation and action. The new orientation of the body relative to gravity has enabled the upper layers of the brain to develop.
The new orientation of the head (like a periscope looking out to the world around) and the possibility of increasingly fine differenciation of the facial organs have given man access to articulated language, the vehicle of thought. The suspension of the phonatory apparatus freed by the tongue shifting back and itself pulled down by its own weight have developed the range of vocalisations, the use of various cavities (pharynx, mouth, nose, larynx) as resonators for the voice, to give a palette of colours for expressing feelings.
Can any parallel be seen between man’s ability to stand upright and the development of the anatomical features necessary for the production of articulate speech ?
Can any parallel be seen between the functional mobility of the organs within the mouth and the face, the way they are used, the standing upright, the bearings of the feet on the ground, the spinal mobility, the opening to the world around breath, sound and sensory activities…?
During this advance training François Combeau will offer a number of structured and progressive practical situations. He will guide the practitioners into FI practices with always more clarity, detail, and precision.
His very interactive way of teaching will give an opportunity to each participant to develop in a personalized and intimate environment the necessary capacities for practicing the method efficiently, creatively and adapted to the student’s needs.
The main purpose will be to explore and work on « how we sense, feel, imagine, propose, invite and act » rather then on « what we do ».
DATE: October 29 – November 2, 2014
TIME: Wednesday to Saturday : 10 am. to 5 pm. Sunday : 10 am to 2.30 pm (To be confirmed upon registration)
LOCATION: Espace du Temps Présent, 30 rue monsieur le Prince F – 75006 Paris (France)
COST: Tuition is: € 490. Registration fee of € 245 (non-refundable) due by June 15, 2014
Bank account numbers for sending registration fees will be sent to you upon receipt of registration.
REGISTRATION: please send the application form to
François Combeau – Espace du Temps Présent – 30 rue Monsieur le Prince F-75006 Paris, France
Confirmation and final details will be sent to you upon receipt of registration.
The group will be 26 participants and of course « first received, first served »